Project Description

MakerDoc is a journaling app for makers that allows to collect, organize and publish pictures and videos on the go in an efficient way.

It allows to take pictures hands-free and annotate them with an audio note as you keep working on your maker project. The pictures can then be organized into different categories. Blurry pictures or pictures with bad lighting are detected autmatically and can be filtered out easily. This makes documenting maker projects easier and allows to share the process and the results on maker platforms such as very efficiently.

MakerDoc was the result of a one week rapid prototyping course. The goal was to come up with a simple app idea and then prototype at high fidelity and rapidly iterate on the visual design and micro interactions using Origami.

Additional Videos

Links: Origami Studio

In Short

MakerDoc is a journalling app for makers that allows to collect, organize and publish pictures and videos on the go in an efficient way.

Project Info

Categories: UX Design

Context: IDP Course - Rapid Prototyping

Team: Sebastian Hunkeler